Библия тека

Сравнение переводов Библии, параллельные ссылки. Работа с номерами Стронга.

1-е послание Коринфянам
глава 3 стих 1

Сравнение английских переводов, параллельные ссылки, текст с номерами Стронга.


сравнение ссылки стронг

Сравнение переводов: 1 Коринфянам 3:1 / 1Кор 3:1


И я не мог говорить с вами, братия, как с духовными, но как с плотскими, как с младенцами во Христе.

And I, brethren, could not speak unto you as unto spiritual, but as unto carnal, even as unto babes in Christ.

And I, brethren, could not speak to you as to spiritual men, but as to men of flesh, as to infants in Christ.

But I, brothers,a could not address you as spiritual people, but as people of the flesh, as infants in Christ.

Brothers and sisters, I could not address you as people who live by the Spirit but as people who are still worldly — mere infants in Christ.

And I, brethren, could not speak to you as to spiritual people but as to carnal, as to babes in Christ.

Dear brothers and sisters,a when I was with you I couldn’t talk to you as I would to spiritual people.b I had to talk as though you belonged to this world or as though you were infants in Christ.

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