глава 21 стих 7
Сравнение английских переводов, параллельные ссылки, текст с номерами Стронга.
Сравнение английских переводов, параллельные ссылки, текст с номерами Стронга.
Они не должны брать за себя блудницу и опороченную, не должны брать и жену, отверженную мужем своим, ибо они святы Богу своему.
They shall not take a wife that is a whore, or profane; neither shall they take a woman put away from her husband: for he is holy unto his God.
‘They shall not take a woman who is profaned by harlotry, nor shall they take a woman divorced from her husband; for he is holy to his God.
They shall not marry a prostitute or a woman who has been defiled, neither shall they marry a woman divorced from her husband, for the priest is holy to his God.
“ ‘They must not marry women defiled by prostitution or divorced from their husbands, because priests are holy to their God.
They shall not take a wife who is a harlot or a defiled woman, nor shall they take a woman divorced from her husband; for [b]the priest is holy to his God.
“Priests may not marry a woman defiled by prostitution, and they may not marry a woman who is divorced from her husband, for the priests are set apart as holy to their God.