Библия » Номера Стронга для НЗ » назад » H6285: פּאָה
1. сторона, бок, висок;
2. край, предел, угол, часть;
3. роскошь.
Feminine of H6311 (poh); properly, mouth in a figurative sense, i.e. Direction, region, extremity — corner, end, quarter, side.
старая версия:
края (16), стороны (15), стороне (12), сторона (6), край (5), волосы на висках (3), углах (2), до края (2), головы (1), князей (1), же стороною (1), же стороны (1), бок (1), конце (1), же предел (1), все это от востока (1), в углу (1)
side, sides, corners, part, quarter, corner, end
the, his hairline, to the very edges, with the corner, *, the skulls, the corners [of their hair], to the edges, from, boundary, to them every corner of the land, the foreheads, shave off the edges, at the sides, corners, border, the edges, side, of their temples, their temples
forehead, sides, corners, edges, sector, side-growth, side, boundary, corner, temples