For the choir director: A psalm of the descendants of Korah, to be accompanied by a stringed instrument.a
1 How lovely is your dwelling place,
O LORD of Heaven’s Armies.
1 How lovely is your dwelling place,
O LORD of Heaven’s Armies.
2 I long, yes, I faint with longing
to enter the courts of the LORD.
With my whole being, body and soul,
I will shout joyfully to the living God.
to enter the courts of the LORD.
With my whole being, body and soul,
I will shout joyfully to the living God.
3 Even the sparrow finds a home,
and the swallow builds her nest and raises her young
at a place near your altar,
O LORD of Heaven’s Armies, my King and my God!
and the swallow builds her nest and raises her young
at a place near your altar,
O LORD of Heaven’s Armies, my King and my God!
5 What joy for those whose strength comes from the LORD,
who have set their minds on a pilgrimage to Jerusalem.
who have set their minds on a pilgrimage to Jerusalem.
6 When they walk through the Valley of Weeping,b
it will become a place of refreshing springs.
The autumn rains will clothe it with blessings.
it will become a place of refreshing springs.
The autumn rains will clothe it with blessings.
9 O God, look with favor upon the king, our shield!
Show favor to the one you have anointed.
Show favor to the one you have anointed.
10 A single day in your courts
is better than a thousand anywhere else!
I would rather be a gatekeeper in the house of my God
than live the good life in the homes of the wicked.
is better than a thousand anywhere else!
I would rather be a gatekeeper in the house of my God
than live the good life in the homes of the wicked.
11 For the LORD God is our sun and our shield.
He gives us grace and glory.
The LORD will withhold no good thing
from those who do what is right.
He gives us grace and glory.
The LORD will withhold no good thing
from those who do what is right.
12 O LORD of Heaven’s Armies,
what joy for those who trust in you.
what joy for those who trust in you.
Psalms, 84 psalm